Karma Clinic App for online weight loss and nutrition programs have been specifically created to help you start losing weight and inches , have a healthier eating lifestyle or build muscle right away. Most important these programs are tailored to fit any lifestyle and are based on the systems we have been using in our clinic for more than 15 years.
We are excited to offer you online versions of our proven weight loss programs. To ensure safe and effective weight loss, our specialists reviews each and every online application to make sure we create the program that is best suited for your individual needs so you can start enjoying the benefits of a healthier, more energetic lifestyle.
- New and easy-to-use member App
- 4 weeks / 7 weeks / 10 weeks Slimming Plans
- Weekly New Diet plan that include easy and delicious recipes
- Complete Food List – you have the freedom to change any foods according with your liking .
- Access to Recipe collection
- Suits your personality
- Fits into a busy lifestyle
- Track Your Macros
- Ideal Weight Calculator & BMI Calculator
- Body Type Calculator
- Tape Measurement Recorder
- Body Weight Only – Home Workout Program
- Dumbbell Only – Home Workout Program
- The Stop Snacking Program
- Real Time Messaging Function
Because we help thousands of clients achieve their weight loss dreams – you can too. … to access all the tools that help you on your journey, contact us on our website and we will send you the link to download our app.
Contact US.